Redline Solutions.

We provide a suite of products and services that help companies reduce the time, cost, and risk of contract acquisition.

Contract Readiness Review

Know what you have - to get what you need

We start by reviewing your existing contract artifacts and existing templates, product offerings, customer and vendor contracts, and other relevant documentation to identify what you have and what you need.

Artifact Development

Filling in the gaps

Based on the analysis of your contract artifacts and the model, we edit and draft a fully integrated set of document templates to make contracting based on your templates a ‘push button’ exercise. We also help you establish an end-to-end contracting process so your deals flow through predictable stages.

MARQUp - Deal Modeling

Model Analysis of Risk and Quality

We build a deal model using our MARQUp to identify the terms that have direct impact on deal value. We score and track your deals against the model to show where the current deal deviates from your ‘standard’ deal - measuring objective deal risk and quality to support predictable deal revenue.

Deal Support/Deal Review

Build - Test - Run

We support the entire deal acquisition process from establishing a contracts review process and establishing a contract template repository, to drafting and negotiating deals to closure using your model. Think of us as your fractional contracts department.

MARQUp - Deal Analysis

Deal Heat Map

MARQUp includes a ‘heat map’ feature to show you where a deal deviates from your model. You’ll be able to see at-a-glance where the current deal adds more risk than your model deal and develop a negotiation strategy - using what-if scenarios- to effectively address the risk. MARQUp permits you to score both the initial draft of the deal and the final draft, so you can see how effective your negotiations were.

MARQUp - Deal Tracking

Know where you’ve been - to know where you’re going

MARQUp stores your deal scores so you understand deals in relation to each other over time. With your deal history, you can track how your deal risk changes over time, with each deal as your products and services, and deal processes mature.

Artifact Review and Analysis

Know what you have - to get what you need

We start by reviewing you existing contract artifacts. We analyze your existing templates, product offerings, identified customer and vendor contracts, and other relevant documentation to identify what you’re missing.

Artifact Drafting

Filling in the gaps

Based on the analysis of your contract artifacts and the model, we edit and draft a fully integrated set of document templates to make contracting off of your templates a ‘push button’ exercise and help you establish an end-to-end contracting process so your deals flow through predictable stages..

Deal Modeling

Model Analysis of Risk and Quality

We build a deal model reflecting the terms that effect the direct value of a deal to support predictable deal revenue. We score and track your deals against the model to show where the current deal deviates from your ‘standard’ deal - measuring objective deal risk and quality to support predictable deal revenue. We even build a ‘heat map’ to show you where a deal deviates from your model.

Deal Support/Deal Review

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We support the entire deal acquisition process from establishing a contracts review process and establishing a contract template repository, to drafting and negotiating deals to closure.

Sounds expense, right? Not with our scalable approach to pricing. You only pay for what you need - when you need it.

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Contract with Confidence

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